Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Day 2

It's 4:00 PM, and the clouds are big and dark, but thus far unthreatening. Happy jazz is playing through speakers scattered like land-mines. The sea acts as a metronome, ensuring no one moves too quickly. The pool is less a pool and more a walkway, gently pressing against every door on the bottom floor. I 'walked' its entirety today with a vodka tonic in one hand and my beautiful Kim in the other.

There is no view here, just a canvas. A moving canvas of green, blue, orange, and white. Green trees and shrubs thriving in places an ant would get claustrophobic. A blue here exists that I can't describe, overlapping from sky to ocean to pool back to sky. Its a wonderful blue, making treaties with green and grey. Orange. Orange is everywhere: accented on walls, peering through sculpted translucent lights, but most importantly it finds a way to creep into the clouds. There is no orange like an orange sky, it seems to exist in another universe, where things are not things but feelings and thoughts. And of course white. White pants, white walls, white umbrellas, the luxury color that demands constant attention to keep from being tarnished.

I'm obsessed with the feeling that washes over me from an impending sunset, camera armed and ready. All at once I truly believe that this is my last chance, if I don't get this shot, this color, that I will never see it again. The moment will exist only once. This must be the feeling hunters have as their prey meets them eye to eye. Short breaths, electric air. Its not so much an art, more an addiction. -Click-

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